
Monday, March 26, 2012

Pretty Little Liars

I have been obsessed with the Pretty Little Liars Series. I first heard of them from Tiffany at TiffanyDTV. It sounded interesting so I got the first book on my Kindle. That was back in like January. I just started the sixth book last night and I don't wanna stop! I thought I might read one or two and then take a break and read something else in between. Well forget that! I must know who A is!

My problem is I get all into the book for days and then I get so exhausted from everything else in my life that I just can't read for a couple of days. I want to finish them so bad I just don't have the energy. Damn having to work full time! I just want to sit in my pajamas all day and read and spend my nights with my family. I should get paid for that.

I have all these theories as to who A is. One of my thoughts keeps popping up in my head as the obvious choice. But I'm wondering if it would be so obvious. Probably not. Or maybe I'm making things too complicated. I tend to over think who it could be.

I also really want to watch the show now because I see tweets about it. But I'm afraid that if I haven't finished the books it might spoil things for me. I've seen some tweets that allude to things I haven't read yet. More reason to keep reading as fast as I can.

I think I might have the first eight books on my Kindle right now and I'm hoping to finish those in the next few months. Then I think there are another four more I need to get yet. Ugh! Why does this series have to be so long!? And so damn good?!

I'm hoping to finish the books by the time the show is on Netflix instant. I checked a few months ago and it wasn't there. But then I did some more research and found out it's only in it's second season (I think they just had the season finale) so I'm hoping that the first one will be up soon.

This is seriously my new obsession. Anyone else read it?

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