
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Adventures in Potty Training

It's been a little over a week since Norah has decided that she was ready to use the potty. It was the early last week that she tried to go potty before taking her bath. We let her sit on the potty and she squeezed out a few drops. We made a big deal about what a big girl she was (note: as soon as her feet hit the bath water she finished peeing). I quickly made her a potty chart (I had gotten everything to do it I just hadn't made it yet) she got her sticker and put it on the chart. She thought that was so cool.

The next night when I came home from work she had spiked a 103* fever out of no where. She wasn't taking the Tylenol that we were trying to give her so the doctor suggested we give her a bath while we waited to bring her in. When we took her upstairs she insisted on trying the potty again. I wasn't expecting much because she was so sick. Well I should set my hopes lower more often! She full out peed on the potty! My mind? It was blown. How could such a sick little girl go for real potty for the first time? I don't know but she did. She got another sticker and was so proud of herself.

She continued on that weekend using the potty about half the time. She even pooped on the potty on the third day. I was like WHA? I thought this was going to be super hard. We had been trying to get her to use the potty for a while now. She has been telling us for months when she was about to poop but she always refused to use the potty saying, "no I poop my diaper. you change my diaper." So yeah I was expecting more of a fight.

We went out and got some pull-ups. She is in love with them because 'Punzel in on them. She gets really mad when she has to wear one that only has Cinderella on it. Why do they have either 3 princesses or just Cinderella? Why can't each of them have their own diaper? Lame.

Anyway we took pull-ups to daycare for her to use. She is still about 50% actually using the potty. Either she does great in the morning not wetting herself or better in the evenings. After a the first few days last week she kind of decided that she just didn't want to try I guess. She threw a huge fit in the morning that she didn't want to wear a pull-up and I noticed on her paper for daycare that she didn't use the potty at all that day. I'm trying really hard to keep her in the pull-ups and I keep asking her if she has to go potty.

I would say she always poops on the potty unless it happens while she napping. Which is good because lets face it I'm tired of changing poopy diapers. The peeing is harder. She gets so distracted playing with friends that she just goes in the diaper.

She's doing a great job though. She has filled two and a half lines on her potty chart. Granted I made short lines because we thought it would be daunting for her to fill up a big line her first time. I made six rows with 5 boxes each. She decided to fill them long ways so she has to get six stickers instead of five before she gets a prize. I guess that's better for us. Last night when she finished a line she said "I cover my eyes and get a prize." She held her hands over her eyes while Mitch went to get her prize. She's such a goober sometimes!

Ok this is long. In summary: potty training is going great and was very unexpected at this time.

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